The Big Gap

So its been a while, being an adult really kicks your free time in the balls. Between christmas nights out, work and family time I had pretty much zero hobby time except the time allocated to my project of finishing Robute Guilliman. Pictures of his awesomeness are below. If i was to do it again I would change the marble effect on the base, its pretty shit. 

After this I had planned to take a few weeks off over the christmas and new year break but in early January we decided to buy a house. This turned out to be a massive undertaking that is soaking up all of my free time. My hobby desk is being used for storage of all manner of random house things and I am now a definate +10 in fence post digging and drainage trench digging. 

In the Magic world I finally aquired my first three Dual Lands

These will fit brilliantly into my Animar and Daxos of Meletis decks. Got my 8 EDH decks out and decided that my next decks will be either Zada or Child of Alara/15 Gods. 

Also picked up a few inventions and expeditions.

Will be more regular updates eventually, just need to get into the new house and settled. Got a lot more Bloodbowl, Dropfleet and Dropzone, Team Yankee and more to come.

Long and short I am not dead 🙂