Back at it

So after 2/3 months of helping do up a house around working full time I am now finally reaping the rewards and have a much bigger and dedicated hobby area. It felt great to get building and painting models again after so long. I have a massive list of projects that I have fallen behind on but now I can get cracking into them.

New working area with James May looking suave on the tele

It is no where near as clean as that now sadly but progress is being made on two of the projects.

First up is my 1980’s US Army for Team Yankee. Decided to go for Butlers Printed Models for the bulk of the forces. The M1’s I am not 100% sure where I got those however they are metal. Minimal clean up on the 3D printed stuff and they are awesome quality for the price. I would recommend them to anyone looking for cheap 15mm modern-ish forces.

Some progression on the US, green isnt the NATO green that was used but in the table it wont matter. Going for the camo below (pic from Battlefront)

My other new pet project is Necromunda v2.0 or Shadow War as it is known. I loved Necromunda growing up so I was super excited to see this. Not having a massive amount of time to spend builting and painting a custom force just now I have opted for Grey Knights. Inital army comp is 4 models and going for a close combat style that is amazingly stupid in 2nd ed 40k rules but I am a Space Marine and the Emperor Protects. 

And finally the list of shame. Two commissions at the top, although I am doing them for free to try out new techniques so unsure if they can be classed as commissions. 

Hopefully back to more regular posting, I do have some more Dropfleet and Dropzone stuff to throw out there as well as a BloodBowl team on the way so expect some new things as well as revisiting some old projects. 

Cheers 🙃

The Big Gap

So its been a while, being an adult really kicks your free time in the balls. Between christmas nights out, work and family time I had pretty much zero hobby time except the time allocated to my project of finishing Robute Guilliman. Pictures of his awesomeness are below. If i was to do it again I would change the marble effect on the base, its pretty shit. 

After this I had planned to take a few weeks off over the christmas and new year break but in early January we decided to buy a house. This turned out to be a massive undertaking that is soaking up all of my free time. My hobby desk is being used for storage of all manner of random house things and I am now a definate +10 in fence post digging and drainage trench digging. 

In the Magic world I finally aquired my first three Dual Lands

These will fit brilliantly into my Animar and Daxos of Meletis decks. Got my 8 EDH decks out and decided that my next decks will be either Zada or Child of Alara/15 Gods. 

Also picked up a few inventions and expeditions.

Will be more regular updates eventually, just need to get into the new house and settled. Got a lot more Bloodbowl, Dropfleet and Dropzone, Team Yankee and more to come.

Long and short I am not dead 🙂

Slow Progress

So I can now say 100% without a shadow of a doubt that I hate any aspect of commision painting. It just sucks all the fun out of it. I find myself sitting at night looking at the model and making excuses to not work on it. Exactly the same way I feel about going to the gym or eating healthy actually. As such progress has been slow but the dread of the looming deadline has spurred me into action so a few shots below. 

These are all basic base colours with no highlights except the blue on the armour. Still quite a ways to go. Last pic I was bery tired so its a little blurry but its the most up to date. 
On the Hawk side of things I am the proud owner of 2 New York class Battleships and a Diamond Battleship. They will be magnatised to allow for the other variants to be used. Currently still in the packagaint until I can finish the Primarch. I am allowing for zero distractions.

One thing I did do on my nightshift week to change the pace a little is to start on altering some Magic cards. This is something I always wanted to do and it is much harder than I initially expected. Very different from my painting between the lines on a model.

Above is my first attempt, as you can see I copped out and didnt do anything with the lower part of the card. I have since rectified this and am now painting a Golgari symbol in there.

This is the initial sketch with green pencil, going to repaint it black then do an airbrush stencil and try it that way.

This is my second alter. One of my all time favourite lands. Below is how it looked originally (digital image) and also a before/after but with the before having a little base coat on it.

Overall I am happy with the Island alter, I have a few more planned but its just getting the time. From start to finish it can be done in 2 hours (or 2 Daredevil eppisodes) so its quick and fun. Definitly something you will see more of on this collection of inane ramblings.

Monday Blues

Had a few hours spare today so I finally managed to get some base coating done for my ever growing pile of models. I am expecting to get the Robute Guilliman model today so that will put a hold on a lot of my Hawk stuff.

My block of models contains some UCM ground forces as well as the UCM starter fleet. The rest is a collection of Shaltari Dropzone stuff that I will slowly work through.

As you can see it is quite a collection. I am working up from Halfords Grey Primer with the UCM Dropfleet stuff. Thinking with a black wash then a drybrush it might be a super quick method of painting. Otherwise I may do some panel painting but I dont know if I am going to commit to that level of time and effort on them.

Until next time….