Back at it

So after 2/3 months of helping do up a house around working full time I am now finally reaping the rewards and have a much bigger and dedicated hobby area. It felt great to get building and painting models again after so long. I have a massive list of projects that I have fallen behind on but now I can get cracking into them.

New working area with James May looking suave on the tele

It is no where near as clean as that now sadly but progress is being made on two of the projects.

First up is my 1980’s US Army for Team Yankee. Decided to go for Butlers Printed Models for the bulk of the forces. The M1’s I am not 100% sure where I got those however they are metal. Minimal clean up on the 3D printed stuff and they are awesome quality for the price. I would recommend them to anyone looking for cheap 15mm modern-ish forces.

Some progression on the US, green isnt the NATO green that was used but in the table it wont matter. Going for the camo below (pic from Battlefront)

My other new pet project is Necromunda v2.0 or Shadow War as it is known. I loved Necromunda growing up so I was super excited to see this. Not having a massive amount of time to spend builting and painting a custom force just now I have opted for Grey Knights. Inital army comp is 4 models and going for a close combat style that is amazingly stupid in 2nd ed 40k rules but I am a Space Marine and the Emperor Protects. 

And finally the list of shame. Two commissions at the top, although I am doing them for free to try out new techniques so unsure if they can be classed as commissions. 

Hopefully back to more regular posting, I do have some more Dropfleet and Dropzone stuff to throw out there as well as a BloodBowl team on the way so expect some new things as well as revisiting some old projects. 

Cheers 🙃