New Paint Station

Much to my surprise I actually managed a good few hours of painting last night at my better halfs parents house. Initially I set up on the dining room table and this was fine with the daylight however as it got darker the lighting just wasnt up to the task of painting minis. Thankfully there is a den that has much brighter lighting and after a quick move (4 separate runs with hands full) I was set up again. 

Initially I was working on the second coat of wash for the Shaltari, as you can see below I decided to stop after the second coat and do some work on the details. I toyed with the idea of doing 3 coats but thinking long term with Dropfleet and more Dropzone mini’s I really need to consider time vs looks. In this case time won. They detail work will still get 100% attention I just dont see the big change between 2 and 3 coats.

While the wash was drying on the Shaltari I finially managed to wash the Sigmarines. My distaste for block painting still hasnt gone away however for relative speed painting with decent tabletop resukts there is no better way to go. I chose the GW Sepia wash in the end iver the Fleshshade and I am happy with the outcome. Just the final basing needing to be sorted and a coat of Anti Shine and we are done:

The tail on the monster above is gold because until I washed it I didnt notice it wasnt fully armoured. So tonight all going well I will fix that slight oversight.

And finally I got my horde of UCM stuff out to start chipping away at. No detail pics of these guys as its all just blocking work again like the AoS stuff, expect them to be done sometime in 2019 🙃

3rd times a charm

And as you can see below it really is:

Now that I know the consistency of the basing material I can paint over it with black when its still wet and let it crack and dry like I seen in the GW TV tutorial. 

In other news I managed to get some more paint down of the Sigmarines aka GROUNDMARINES!!!! and they are looking relatively ok. I am really not a fan of this blocking speed painting but I know when its all done after they have been washed they will look tabletop ready. Its just a damn ugly slog in the mean time.

And finally I picked up a Shaltari starter box, totally forgot I ordered it however it is now assembled to the stage if being ready to paint and this will be living on my table after the Sigmarines are finished.


Third time is a charm I hope, set up my quick test for the crackle basing (sounds like a Lego Movie device) and it looks weird, pictures of said weirdness below:

It is a very unsexy wet gloopy mess, hopefully when I wake up tomorrow morning it will be a much more sexy looking lava-ish base. Fingers crossed.

I figured that since I am working away at the basing for the AoS Sigmarines I should actually do the models. I had a good 2 hours working on them tonight while watching American History X and I think I made quite good progress. As usual I have a few pictures at the end, just a rather important point before you see them:

  • I am speed painting, AoS interests me but not enough to spend hours on each model, it is sadly not BloodBowl :-p

99% of the blocking work is done now so its just odds and sods to get finished then I can wash them, seal them and base them. If I continue at my usual rate of progress expect them to be done some time early 2018 😂😂

Actually my curfew is the end of the month, with Dropfleet Commander (Battlefleet Gothic v2) coming out I need a clear desk for that and I still have a load of UCM to finish as well. 

Best get cracking…